

Since I was 14 I knew I was different. My mom never really accepted...
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  • You're An Oreo

    You're An Oreo

    you’re an… Oreo. not white enough. not black enough. just… not eno...
  • Finding Happiness

    Finding Happiness

    I’ve struggled with mental health my entire life. I’ve struggled to...
  • The answer to my Q

    The answer to my Q

    Growing up, I knew that I was attracted to both masculine and femin...
  • Coming Home to Me

    Coming Home to Me

    I grew up like many queer kids: always knowing I was different, but...
  • I Did It (Kinda)

    I Did It (Kinda)

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  • Pride Month

    Pride Month

    Growing up in California in a Catholic home I was never able to be ...
  • Finding Happiness

    Finding Happiness

    I knew all my life that I am gay, but because of my background and ...