I knew all my life that I am gay, but because of my background and where I came from I couldn’t be out. It is not easy being gay in a country that will send you to jail for 14 years, so I stayed in the closet. My sisters and brother knew I was gay and my Grandmom too, but everyone thought I would outgrow it. So I had to marry to cover up my true life and have kids, but yet I was not happy.
Then I came to U.S.A. again. I still couldn’t come out because of what my mom would say and people around me, but this year I made up my mind. I am done thinking about what people will say to me and living a life of unhappiness, so I came out to my mom and my kids.
My first daughter was amazing. She gave me the power to come out and be who I want to be. She was the first person I came to. She told me as long as I am happy, she supports me. Then I came out to my mom. she threatened me that she will disown me, which is what am still facing now, She doesn’t talk to me. She told me when she dies I should not come, but I know I have tried my best living a life of lies and unhappiness and I pray that one day she will understand me. I love my life now and I find happiness in helping other gay people to deal with their life.