Your Life is a Reflection of What you Believe is possible for Yourself

Your Life is a Reflection of What you Believe is possible for Yourself
Name: Jaime Filer
Pronouns: She/Her
Instagram: Jaim91

I remember hearing this quote from Les Brown a few years ago, and it struck me in retrospect just how true it was.

It started when I was young and starting my first diet at 11, which turned into my first hospitalization at 16. I had full blown anorexia, and was in inpatient/outpatient for a total of 3 months and 16 days – losing the last half of my junior year of high school. However, I NOW see that if it wasn’t for that diet, I wouldn’t have developed a love for fitness. What started out as calorie counting and an obsession with a scale morphed (slowly and with a team of health care professionals) into a compulsion to help people – to make sure no young female ever struggled with body dysmorphia, emotional eating, or eating disorders again. I can’t “cure” everyone, but I can certainly hope and pray that my story inspires at least ONE person, and convinces them that it’s not worth it.

This is why I’m now a personal trainer, because I realized that there’s so much more to ‘health’ that what you look like. In fact, very little about your health is what you look like; however, treating your body with respect is something that happens from the outside-in and the inside-out.

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