Tell me a little bit about your story and who you are as a human.
I am a daughter, sister, friend, wife, dog mom, climate activist, music lover and scotch enthusiast. I moved back to Arizona three years ago from Marin Country in Northern California. I have travelled to 40 countries around the world and love traveling whenever I can.
Outside of my career, I spend much of my free time as a volunteer and leader for a local chapter of Climate Reality Project and Citizens Climate Lobby. Both organizations are non-profit, nonpartisan, grassroots, and committed to combating climate change through education and action.
What do you do for a living?
I currently work for Amy’s Kitchen- Amy’s is a leader and pioneer in the organic food manufacturing sector. They are a wonderful company, and our foods are delicious. With them, I have worked in various roles as an auditor, food scientist, learning about raw material analysis, supply chain, social responsibility, and sustainability. At present, I am supporting a Regenerative Agriculture project we have underway to help heal the planet through the power of agriculture.
How did you get involved with CRP?
I was looking for ways to contribute and exercise leadership around the climate crisis and educate myself, so I did some research online and found Climate Reality Project. I have always thought Al Gore was amazing, so I was excited to find the opportunity to become involved.
Why are you so passionate about the environment?
Our incredible planet is very vulnerable at this moment in time; earths’ ecosystems, biodiversity and humanity are in danger of not having a thriving future. It is painful to say, but it’s true. I want to do everything I can to help educate and bring awareness to this issue. My hope is that through education, if people really knew what was going on, they would be inspired to change and we could come together to ensure life on this planet has a sustainable, prosperous future. The good news is that in the U.S, Europe, and other parts of the world there is more energy behind climate than ever. We just need to keep that energy up to bring about real change. Real change does not happen overnight.
What are some simple swaps or small things in everyday life that people can do to help the environment?
I attached a full carbon footprint checklist which has so many things we can do in our everyday life to help. Check Only Human’s blog post with this checklist!
How do you try and make the world a better place?
Education and outreach really inspires me; I love talking about this topic with anyone who will listen. I also try to make the world a better place through my choices and how I spend my money, the businesses I support, the food I buy, the friendships I maintain etc.
What is your favorite natural environment to be in? Forrest? Ocean?
I love being near the water, any kind of water. I also have a thing for Celtic culture and nature; Ireland and Scotland are two of my most favorite places on the planet.
If you could speak with nature, what would you ask it or what would you talk about?
How did humankind become so far distanced from you, and how can we find union with you again?
What are some of the top things people should know about climate change?
- Climate change is real. For those that think this is normal and the earth just has “cycles”, I encourage them to educate themselves further if they are open. While it is true the earth has temperature cycles and patterns, what we are witnessing unfold today is not normal, and it is different than patterns have seen over the last 800,000 years.
- Climate change is not a tomorrow problem, it is one we need to address today to avoid irreversible changes that will be happen if we reach a series of tipping points.
- The power to change is in our hands. A sustainable future is within reach; however, it is going to require bold action and reestablishing new habits and new ways of remembering what it means to coexist with nature.
What are some of your favorite facts about nature?
There are so many, but one that I learned recently which blew my mind was about nature’s biodiversity and indigenous people. Indigenous people make up 6% of the world’s population and yet they are stewards of 80% of the world’s biodiversity!! It is vital that the indigenous people begin to have a seat at the table when discussing solutions.