I was working at a casino and during my time there I met a lot of people. When I was pregnant with my daughter, my manager at the time had told me that her daughter started working there in security and she wanted me to meet her. My manager and I were waiting in line at the snack bar to get lunch and as I was standing there her daughter walked up. My manager introduced us and I looked up at her and was just in awe of her. This lady had the most beautiful ocean blue eyes that I’ve ever seen and I was just wowed. That day changed my life forever because it was the first time I had ever felt this strongly about another human (my kids dad didn’t even get this type of reaction from me). Needless to say we hit it off and became very close friends. We would go out to parties and clubs together and we did try a relationship but being friends was where we left it at. It was her that made me realize who I was and have always been. Just needed to find the right person to help me be comfortable with myself. I was 27 and have been out ever since.