Living a Life of LOVE Instead of Worry!

Living a Life of LOVE Instead of Worry!

I grew up in the Bible belt and I love God. I think this is important to share because often times people who haven’t experienced life, love, or friendship with someone who is different than themselves struggle to understand the preciousness of LOVE and all of its ability to overcome so many obstacles. We were told that the greatest commandment is love.

I am 39 years old and on an adventure to “find myself”. I became a mother at the age of 19 and I wouldn’t change that for the world! I have three amazing daughters actually! Giving so much to being a mother and wife (which I wouldn’t trade), has made me realize that I lost myself along the way. Along this journey of “finding myself” I am hoping to meet new friends and live life adventurously instead of fearfully. I want to share the love in my heart with those who need it and bring smiles and laughter all around!

P.S. No, I am not deserting my family. Haha

This story was shared by a human named Erin

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