This year has been the hardest I have ever had. I’ve cried, yelled, beat myself up…cried some more and saw a darkness in myself that I never want to see again. On November 9th, with the help of great friends I took a leap of faith and walked through a set of very scary doors into rehab. This started a 28 day inpatient treatment to guide me to a clean and sober life. There were so many times I felt weak and wanted to call it quits. Somewhere I found the will to keep fighting and have pushed passed many obstacles. I learned that I am strong, I can fight for a better me and it’s ok to need and ask for help. I’m grateful for so much and I’m so blessed to see that my journey isn’t over. I have options, I have goals, and I have the love of so many. Each and every morning I now have the privilege to be thankful, think clearly, and enjoy life. I’m closing this chapter I call “2018” and not opening it again…. 2019 is my new beginning!
Story submitted by Jessica