My name is Lei Wiley-Mydske. I’m an autistic and otherwise disabled/neurodivergent mom to an amazing teenager. I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest where I co-own a tattoo shop with my artist husband and our partners.
I became involved with Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network in 2014 after answering a call for volunteers. Since then, my role at AWN Network has grown and I’m currently our Community Outreach Coordinator. As an adult diagnosed/recognized autistic person, finding AWN and connecting with other autistic people through advocacy and activism has been life changing and empowering.
Most autistic people are raised feeling that their disability is something shameful but through my work with AWN Network, I have found a sense of pride in being autistic that I had not ever experienced before. We are working to create the kind of inclusive and just world that ALL autistic people deserve and I am honored to be a part of that.