He y’all,
I’ve written for Only Human once before. I highlighted a few key profound moments in my lifetime that helped shaped who I am. What I realized since sharing that part of my story who “I AM” has shifted. One of the greatest gifts we’ve been given in this lifetime is a clean slate everyday.
I grown to understand I’m constantly evolving as a human being. Gravely there are those who roll with me or unfortunately some stay right where they are or further away. I can not control anyone else all I can do is control how I’m impacted by other’s behavior. Some folks accuse me of “changing” or being “different”. If wanting/needing to be a better and healthier version of myself, I’ll own my willingness to step into the unknown trusting the universe to have my back & front. If those close to me for their own reasons can not or will not take my hand as an invitation to be better humans then I non judgmentally offer you a loving goodbye as I say hello to my own open heart.
Becoming a member/advocate of Only Human I’ve come to see I deserve to celebrate my healing and my willingness to share my past. My story is no better or worse than anyone else’s. It’s mine and with my head held high, shoulders back, heart open, and a trusting spirit is say YES I AM ONLY HUMAN!