I grew up in a very conservative small town in the Midwest U.S. Which meant I was very sheltered. Thankfully the past few years of life have really opened my eyes to all the world has to offer and that includes the beautiful people that are in it. I work as an advocate for victims of violence however my heart wants more than that. When I look at my three sweet boys (all under the age of 10) I can’t help but wonder, what if? What if one of my sweet boys is questioning their feelings, wondering if it’s normal, wondering if people will accept and love them. None of my kids have verbalized anything along those lines. However, they are still pretty young and I want them growing up in a home that is accepting and welcoming to whoever they are. I want to work to make this a better world for them and all humans. I appreciate having a chance to be a voice to spread kindness, acceptance, and love for all.
This story was shared by a loving human
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