Feeling Stuck

Feeling Stuck
In December, I moved from Iowa to Florida and with the help of my dad, I was able to sober my life up and quit doing all drugs I was doing for 20 some years! I'm extremely blessed to have him in my life and for everything he has done and helped me with. But I just don't like it here in Florida. There's wayyyyy too many people!! I don't ever leave the house because my anxiety is also sky high!! I miss my Iowa friends too! I want to move back to Iowa so incredibly badly, but when I moved I threw my whole entire life away!! I literally just loaded up what could fit in the car with me and my dad and left. I just feel so stuck and I don't know what to do! Anyone have any advice by chance? Do I stay in Florida and be completely miserable?!? or do I move to Iowa and be homeless for a little bit?!

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