My name is Maddison. I am a Police Officer in North Carolina. I had a rocky start. In 2011, I was in a car accident that caused permanent brain damage. The wreck caused so many issues. I was attending The Citadel, got a medical discharge, wanted to play softball in college and was able to, I also received a medical discharge in the Army. My whole world was turned around, and I had to figure out what else I wanted to do with my life. I kept pushing and working, and when I turned 21 I started pursuing the career of my dreams…. a servant of the community.

I graduated from a 7-month Police Academy. I worked hard and made sure I worked hard to become the best. I was hired at a local department, and completed a 3-month (12-week) intense field training program. There were times that I would get overwhelmed and frustrated. There were times that I just wanted to go home… But then I remembered that this is what I signed up for. I wanted to defend our country and protect others, and be something bigger.

Everyday I wake up and am overwhelmed with gratitude, and excited to go to work. I wanted to be something greater. I wanted to make a difference. Sometimes people need help in many different ways. I wanted to make interactions with the public, and help them appreciate police officers. Growing up I had always been told that I had such a big heart, and a warrior attitude. Later, I came to find out that my name “Maddison” had the meaning of warrior. (What a coincidence)

Everyday I find ways to set a positive light in the line of work. I see kids and try to set a positive light in their little eyes. There are days you see things you wish you never had to. There are days where you see all the evil you wish didn’t exist in the world. There are days where you have to respond to calls where you see how dark of a place people can mentally and physically can get it. That’s where you come in and do your job. You are there to fix problems, and help others. This career is my life. I was born for this.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”- Isaiah 6:8


Story submitted by Maddison.

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