Accomplishing in 2020

Accomplishing in 2020

As 2020 has now begun and I’ve spent time reflecting on the past decade (good and bad), I don’t want to spend my time making resolutions, but instead making a list of accomplishments that I wish to achieve. What’s the difference? In my opinion, resolutions are often ended when there is a slip up; however, accomplishments are often strived for until achieved.

This past decade has been quite challenging yet rewarding. I struggled with my sexuality in fear of not being accepted. I feared not fitting in with the LGBTQ+ community as I was in my early 20’s and feeling “late to the game.” During this challenging time, I knew that I wanted to pursue a career in education and wanted to help young people feel accepted (the opposite of what I felt growing up). Above all, one struggle I mentioned in my most recent instagram post (@airrick_michael), is that I am still faced with myself…I am my own worst enemy.

Myself being my depression, anxiety, and continuous self-doubt. It has taken years for me to accept myself and I am thankful that through the decade I have learned to do so. Unfortunately with society’s negative reports and outlook on depression, anxiety, and overall mental health, not many want to speak openly about mental health. My career as an educator has pushed me to be more open about and paint a more positive persona, as well as, own my differences rather than be scared of them.

So, what do I want to accomplish in 2020? I want to accomplish more acceptance and open conversations about self-identity and mental health in my school. If students can find someone to relate to, they’re more likely to feel accepted and less alone. In 2020, I hope to accomplish less self-doubt and more courageous efforts to be myself while helping others.

Story submitted by Airrick.

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