Dear Human,
Our fingerprints never fade from the lives we've touched. And we want you to know that you've touched ours, and countless others. Each day you choose to Stay; is another day we're grateful...because, well, you may not fully realize it right now, but you make the world better simply by existing. We know it's hard and that no one will ever understand the silent battles you fight ever day. But, we also know you're not alone, because we've been there and made it through and you can too. When we try to imagine a world without you in it, we can't...and we don't want to.
For humans currently struggling, please know that the world is better with you in it. We’ve put together Resources For Struggling Humans and invite you to connect with medical professionals who are trained to help you Stay;
Only Human truly believes that by building a community of individuals focused on telling those who battle with suicidal thoughts, why they should Stay; that we can hear the cries of those who feel muted. We can be a support system to those who feel alone. We can build awareness around those who battle with a single thought—why should I Stay?
Every human we’ve lost to suicide is a human that passed away with their gifts still inside them. This can't continue to happen. Those who have left just this last year are not only celebrities like Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, and Avicii (to name a few), but hundreds of thousands of humans who struggled in silence.
We encourage any and all humans affected by suicide in some way to share their story with the world (if they're ready) and to remain open and honest with their own struggle, and the struggle they've witnessed around them. We'll continue to grow a safe space here at Only Human to talk about life's hardest topics, the ones that weigh heavy on the hearts of millions, without judgement or shame.
For a more private environment built on supporting one another through the good and bad times in life, consider joining our Only Human Advocate Program, where you'll connect with good humans from around the world.
We hope to create a global conversation about an issue that’s becoming an epidemic and taking the lives of humans whose stories are far from over. If you choose to share your story on social media please use the hashtag #OHstay and tag @onlyhuman so we can join in on the conversation.
10% of profits this month benefit The Trevor Project, a nonprofit actively connecting struggling humans with medical professionals and is committed to producing innovative research that brings new knowledge and clinical implications to the field of suicidology.