Imagine this: you’re a perfectly healthy human living your everyday life. You wake up in the mornings armed with dreams, ambitions, and a good cup of coffee. Maybe you have kids that you haul off to school before you carry on with your daily routine.
Until one morning you’re in the shower and as you wash your body you run a hand over a lump in your breast—and your life changes forever…
Studies show that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime and 1400 women die each day from breast cancer.
These are mothers / sisters / wives / friends / grandmothers.
Some are men.
All are fellow humans.
Numbers and statistics help us understand the devastating impact that breast cancer has on our communities, but they do not define us.
Behind every pink ribbon is a story of struggle, survival, loss, and hope. Behind every pink-clad 5k is a community of humans coming together in a courageous effort to spread love, fund research, and transform stories of loss into stories of victory.
This month, we’ll be using our voice to bring awareness to breast cancer research. 10% of all Only Human profits during the month of October will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. We believe that by helping to fund research, we will move closer to identifying ways to prevent—and ultimately cure—breast cancer.
We encourage anyone and everyone who has been affected by breast cancer to share their story, because we promise you that you are not alone and our community is here to help. Through Only Human, we’ve been able to create a safe space to discuss some of life’s hardest topics. Consider joining the Only Human family by becoming an Advocate and uniting with other humans who are being vulnerable, sharing their stories, and doing good in the world.
If you choose to share your story on social media please use the hashtag #OHcancervive and tag @onlyhuman so we can join in on the conversation.