Holidays are a great time to see family and friends, but it’s not always the merriest time of the year for all. It can be overwhelming, laden with anxiety, provide feelings of loneliness or isolation, but can also have amazing moments full of laughs and making memories. No matter what, pay attention to how you feel and do what you need to do for you.
Here are some tips for practicing self-care and protecting your mental health during the most wonderful time of the year!
1. Move Your Body
- Physical movement helps our mental health by bringing our attention to the present. Even something like a quick lap around the block or a 5 minute stretching session can help to reduce stress.
- Sitting down and following your breath can help you feel connected to yourself and your surroundings. Here’s a meditation I love that walks through the colors of the Pride Flag!
4. Prioritize
- Prioritize yourself. Prioritize the things you NEED to get done. The holidays are not the time to spread yourself thin, they are for community, joy, and a pause. Make sure you prioritize yourself and do what you need to do!
- We all know that from the outside social media can look “perfect” and set a standard for what we feel like we need in our lives. It’s easy to compare ourselves to others in the digital world as we are scrolling through. This holiday season might be the perfect time to disconnect from social media!
- If you think you’re going to be in a situation that’s difficult for you, if possible, think of a few ways to be able to remove yourself from it to give yourself a break. Plan to take a walk or excuse yourself to a quiet room or a safe space.
The holidays can be great, but they can be stressful and also bring up feelings of loneliness. Wherever you are, whoever you spend your holiday season with, make sure you protect and show yourself some love.